Quick start guide

For users who want to try the role quickly, this guide provides an example on how to install and configure lighttpd on single FreeBSD host. The procedure is generic and can be easily modified to install and configure other applications on other systems. See examples in the directory contrib. The control node of this example is Linux and the user running the playbook on the controller is a member of the group adm.

  • Install the role vbotka.config_light

    shell> ansible-galaxy role install vbotka.config_light
  • Install the collections if necessary

    shell> ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix
    shell> ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
  • Install yamllint to use the default validation of the created handlers and assembled data. See the variables cl_assemble_validate and cl_handlers_validate in defaults/main.yml. Optionally, use ansible-lint or disable the validation by clearing the variables

    cl_assemble_validate: ''
    cl_handlers_validate: ''
  • Create the playbook pb.yml for single host srv.example.com (2) and the role vbotka.config_light (11)

 1shell> cat pb.yml
 2- hosts: srv.example.com
 3  gather_facts: true
 4  connection: ssh
 5  remote_user: admin
 6  become: true
 7  become_user: root
 8  become_method: sudo
10  roles:
11    - vbotka.config_light
  • Create files in host_vars with customized variables of the role (2) and with the variables of the application (3)

1shell> ls -1 host_vars/srv.example.com/cl-*
  • Configure the role. To speedup the execution set the control-flow variables (2-5) to false and disable some steps. Enable these steps selectively when needed. The configuration data will be stored in the directory conf-light (10) in the current directory of the playbook. Set the ownership and permissions of the directories on the control node so that the user who is running the playbook will be able both read and write the files, and create the directories (7-9) (11-14).

 1shell> cat host_vars/srv.example.com/cl-common.yml
 2cl_sanity: false
 3cl_setup: false
 4cl_install: false
 5cl_debug: false
 6cl_backup: true
 7cl_dird_owner: root
 8cl_dird_group: adm
 9cl_dird_dmode: '0770'
10cl_dird: "{{ playbook_dir }}/conf-light"
11cl_dira_owner: root
12cl_dira_group: adm
13cl_dira_dmode: '0770'
14cl_dira_fmode: '0660'


  • The configuration data will be assembled into the directory cl_dira

  • The default value of cl_dira is {{ cl_dird }}/assemble

  • Configure the application. Start the server (2), run the server at boot (3), and configure two files (5,18).

 1shell> cat host_vars/srv.example.com/cl-lighttpd.yml
 2cl_service_lighttpd_enable: true
 3cl_service_lighttpd_state: started
 5# /usr/local/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
 6cl_lighttpd_server_port: '80'
 7cl_lighttpd_server_useipv6: disable
 8cl_lighttpd_server_username: www
 9cl_lighttpd_server_groupname: www
10cl_lighttpd_server_document_root: /usr/local/www/lighttpd
12  - {key: server.port, value: '"{{ cl_lighttpd_server_port }}"'}
13  - {key: server.use-ipv6, value: '"{{ cl_lighttpd_server_useipv6 }}"'}
14  - {key: server.username, value: '"{{ cl_lighttpd_server_username }}"'}
15  - {key: server.groupname, value: '"{{ cl_lighttpd_server_groupname }}"'}
16  - {key: server.document-root, value: '"{{ cl_lighttpd_server_document_root }}"'}
18# /etc/rc.conf
19cl_lighttpd_rcconf_lighttpd_enable: 'YES'
21  - {key: lighttpd_enable, value: '"{{ cl_lighttpd_rcconf_lighttpd_enable }}"'}
  • Create configuration data in the directory conf-light

 1shell> tree conf-light
 3├── files.d
 4   ├── lighttpd-lighttpdconf.yml
 5   └── lighttpd-rcconf.yml
 6├── handlers.d
 7   └── lighttpd-freebsd.yml
 8├── packages.d
 9   └── lighttpd.yml
10├── services.d
11   └── lighttpd.yml
12└── states.d
13    └── lighttpd-server-document-root.yml
  • conf-light/files.d/*

 1shell> cat conf-light/files.d/lighttpd-lighttpdconf.yml
 3  path: /usr/local/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
 4  create: true
 5  owner: root
 6  group: wheel
 7  mode: '0644'
 8  assignment: ' = '
 9  dict: "{{ cl_lighttpd_lighttpdconf_dict }}"
10  handlers:
11    - reload lighttpd
 1shell> cat conf-light/files.d/lighttpd-rcconf.yml
 3  path: /etc/rc.conf
 4  create: true
 5  owner: root
 6  group: wheel
 7  mode: '0644'
 8  assignment: '='
 9  dict: "{{ cl_lighttpd_rcconf_dict }}"
10  handlers:
11    - reload lighttpd
  • conf-light/handlers.d/*

 1shell> cat conf-light/handlers.d/lighttpd-freebsd.yml
 4  template: handlers-auto2.yml.j2
 5  handlers:
 7    - handler: enable and start lighttpd
 8      module: service
 9      params:
10        - 'name: lighttpd'
11        - 'state: started'
12        - 'enabled: true'
14    - handler: disable and stop lighttpd
15      module: service
16      params:
17        - 'name: lighttpd'
18        - 'state: stopped'
19        - 'enabled: false'
21    - handler: reload lighttpd
22      module: service
23      params:
24        - 'name: lighttpd'
25        - 'state: reloaded'
26      conditions:
27        - '- cl_service_lighttpd_enable|bool'
29    - handler: restart lighttpd
30      module: service
31      params:
32        - 'name: lighttpd'
33        - 'state: restarted'
34      conditions:
35        - '- cl_service_lighttpd_enable|bool'
37    - handler: lighttpd check
38      module: command
39      params:
40        - 'cmd: /usr/local/sbin/lighttpd -t'
  • conf-light/packages.d/*

1shell> cat conf-light/packages.d/lighttpd.yml
3  module: pkgng
4  name:
5    - www/lighttpd
  • conf-light/services.d/*

1shell> cat conf-light/services.d/lighttpd.yml
3  name: lighttpd
4  state: "{{ cl_service_lighttpd_state }}"
5  enabled: "{{ cl_service_lighttpd_enable }}"
  • conf-light/states.d/*

1shell> cat conf-light/states.d/lighttpd-server-document-root.yml
3  state: directory
4  path: "{{ cl_lighttpd_server_document_root }}"
5  owner: "{{ cl_lighttpd_server_username }}"
6  group: "{{ cl_lighttpd_server_groupname }}"
7  mode: '0750'
  • Enable setup and assemble configuration data. This command will assemble the configuration data and create handlers on the control node. Take a look at the directory conf-light/assemble/ what files were created. Also take a look at the directory roles/vbotka.config_light/handlers what handlers were created.

    shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml -t cl_vars -e cl_setup=true


    • The tasks setup, vars, and sanity are tagged always

    • The tasks setup and sanity are enabled by default (cl_setup: true, cl_sanity: true)

  • Enable and test sanity

    shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml -t cl_sanity -e cl_sanity=true
  • Display variables

    shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml -t cl_debug -e cl_debug=true
  • Install packages

    shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml -t cl_packages -e cl_install=true
  • Set states of the files

    shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml -t cl_states
  • Create and modify files

    shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml -t cl_files
  • Configure services

    shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml -t cl_services


    If you know what you are doing skip the above selection of particular tags and run the complete role at once

    shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml -e cl_setup=true -e cl_install=true


    The role and the configuration data in the examples are idempotent. Once the application is installed and configured ansible-playbook shouldn’t report any changes. To speedup the playbook disable setup, sanity, debug, and install. This way, the role will audit the required infrastructure

    shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml
    PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************
    srv.example.com: ok=29 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=88 rescued=0 ignored=0
  • Create file /usr/local/www/lighttpd/index.html

1shell> ll /usr/local/www/lighttpd/index.html
2-rw-r--r--  1 www  www  51 Apr 12 18:58 /usr/local/www/lighttpd/index.html
3shell> cat /usr/local/www/lighttpd/index.html
4<html><body><h1>Lighttpd works!</h1></body></html>
  • Open the page in a browser http://srv.example.com/. The content should be

    Lighttpd works!